(Konnichiwa. Mousugu Kurisumasu desu. Nihon wa totemo samui desu.)
(Hello. It comes Christmas soon. It is so cold in Japan.)
My friend sent the picture to me, and it is “the souvenir vending machine” at Tokyo International Airport.

We have many interesting vending machines in Japan such as noodle soup, cup noodles, cookies, and so on. And if you go to a big train station, you can find book vending machines.
It is so fun!!
In addition, we are now open registration for Japanese language or culture classes, starts January 2021. Let’s discover Japan!!

NS Global Agency 日本語クラス(Japanese language/Culture class)
TEL: +81-50-5309-3846
Mail: contact@nsglobalagency.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nsglobalagency/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nsglobalagency/
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