It has been a long time since I had updated the website.
So I can say “ひさしぶりです。” means “long time no see”.
It starting to get cooler here, not hot, not cold. It is a perfect season in Japan.
Shall we start the Japanese language lesson?
I have tons of ideas for it. Please feel free to contact us.
Our instructors are professional. All we are native Japanese and have a license for teaching Japanese.
Therefore you can study a perfect Japanese language with us.
Looking forward to studying/enjoying with you soon.

NS Global Agency Japanese Language/Culture class
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nsglobalagency/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nsglobalagency/
Phone number:050-5309-3846
Location: 鎌倉Kamakura、逗子Zushi、葉山Hayama、横須賀Yokosuka
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