We will hold “the brunch talking” on June 20.
Let’s have fun brunch time with talking Japanese at the fancy restaurant.
The station is 「Zushi (JR Yokosuka Line)」or 「Zushi・Hayama(Keikyu Line).
Also, you can come to visit us by car.
Just come join us!! You don’t need to bring anything. Only you!!
For detail, please feel free to contact us.

NS Global Agency Japanese Language/Culture class
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nsglobalagency/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nsglobalagency/
Phone number:050-5309-3846
Location: 鎌倉Kamakura、逗子Zushi、葉山Hayama、横須賀Yokosuka
作文 #小論文 #受験作文 #中学受験 #高校受験 #大学受験 #AO入試 #湘南 #鎌倉 #逗子 #葉山 #横須賀 #オンライン #海外 #Japanese #language #日本語 #自学 #自習 #英語 #英会話 #文京区 #東京 #横浜 #JLPT #Trial #lesson #shonan #zushi #kamakura #hayama #yokosuka #Tokyo #Bunkyo #Yokohama